about us
What is Dhremo?
Created during my own cancer journey, Dhremo Therapy IV decals are apothecary inspired adhesive decals that reframe the experience of chemotherapy when applied to infusion IV bags.
Apothecary Decals
With our original 5 apothecary style decals you can re-imagine your infusion to be the “solution” you want: Vitality, Clarity, Hope, Love & Light or Miracle Serum. Designed to give a nod to the days of early American medicine when over-the-top claims boasted of the guaranteed powers of healing elixirs. Expect miracles!
dhremo kids
Our pediatric line of decals was designed specifically for young cancer warriors. With circus inspired designs, they act as a powerful visual and mental aid lowering fear and aversion to chemotherapy, and helping children and caretakers alike. Your imagination is the greatest medicine on Earth!
hospital kits
Want to offer a Dhremo Therapy program for your patients? You can now order bulk decal hospital kits including 25, 50 or 100 of each of our pediatric or apothecary decal designs. Like all of our products, 10% of profits are donated to cancer research and support organizations.
Using Dhremo
Just peel and stick each decal directly onto the back of your IV bag. Then, most importantly: imagine, believe and infuse healing thoughts.
Be sure not to cover any of the key drug or patient information on the front. Then just turn the bag or the stand to face out, allowing your nurse to view key patient and drug information on the reverse side. Leave an inch of space at the bottom as well, for monitoring bag contents. It's really that simple!
Each set of decals comes with a detailed quick-reference instruction sheet. Nurses or other healthcare professionals may also want to view our pharmacy approved instructional video.
“Anyone going through chemo knows that the little things matter in a big way. Dhremo lifted my spirits to see that “sunshine” and “light & love” were coming through my IV! Thanks for making a difference during such a challenging time!”

My Mission
No one ever expects to receive a cancer diagnosis. When you do, its like the flood gates are suddenly opened and you are rushed down the river with very little time to find your bearings or make any calculated decisions. You are shuffled from doctor to doctor and recommended for tests, surgeries and treatments, all the while cramming the cliff notes for Cancer 101.
It was only after my first 2 surgeries that I popped my head out of the rushing river and thought to myself, wait I have choices here. Having taught a stint of white water canoeing back in college, I remembered vividly teaching kids about what to do if they found themselves suddenly capsized in the rapids. We always taught that you don't fight the current. You cross your arms over your heart, and relax on your back and enjoy the ride until you are out of the rapids. It's when you resist that you get hurt. Cancer is no different. No matter what you face there are always two choices: that of fear (resisting and fighting) or that of love (embracing the experience). I was not going to fight, I was going to embrace this little rough stretch, and Dhremo was my way of doing this.
When I created Dhremo, I never imagined anything other than a one time solution for my own treatment. However when you have gone down the river, and know a bit about the dips and turns, you feel the importance of sharing your journey with the countless others you know will follow. Especially when you discover a solution that is so helpful in making it through the rapids. Making Dhremo available is my way of giving forward to these folks who are about to hit the water. I'm hoping that by hearing my story and utilizing Dhremo, cancer patients might have that same wake up moment I did. Dhremo is a call to those going through cancer that there is hope, that you have the power within yourself to make it through this, and that our thoughts and beliefs are powerful: so lets use them for good!
In addition to giving forward to patients, is to also my mission to give back to the many cancer organizations, and medical professionals who are helping so many. I donate 10% of all profits to cancer organizations, non profit cancer charities and cancer research. My first year of donations went to Hopewell Cancer Support in Baltimore, MD. Not only have they helped me in my own health and wellness, but they have also been integral in supporting me through my efforts to make Dhremo available to all. Hopewell is a second home to so many, offering free programming in yoga, qi gong, meditation and nutrition for cancer patients and their families. They understand that healing is multifaceted and are completely in line with what Dhremo is about. It is integral in my business to support and collaborate with others in the goal of healing this disease.